
Welcome to our Resources page. Here, you'll find a curated collection of studies, research, educational materials, advocacy initiatives, and support resources centered around psychedelics and mental health. Dive in, stay curious, and if you have great resources you'd like to share with us, let's connect!

Clinical Trials

There are many active clinical trials researching the use of psilocybin to treat depression, OCD, PTSD, addiction, and other not so great habits our brains can form. Below is a list of current trials and clinical trial databases to look for more.

Johns Hopkins University - Center for Psychedelic and Consciousness Research

University of Wisconsin-Madison - Psilocybin Research

University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) - Psilocybin Clinical Trials

Global Research Efforts

COMPASS Pathways - Phase 3 Clinical Trials on Psilocybin for Depression

King’s College London - Psilocybin Depression Study

Find out more from these comprehensive Clinical Trial Databases (Search for Psilocybin Trials Globally) (Search "psilocybin" for ongoing studies)

UC Berkeley Center for the Science of Psychedelics - Clinical Trials Map

Decriminalize Nature

Decriminalize nature is an organization who's mission is to decriminalize entheogenic/psychedelic plants and fungi. Their efforts have helped 25 cities decriminalize these plants and fungi.

If you support this mission, consider Signing the petition.

Go to Decriminalize Nature

MAPS New Integration Station

MAPS (Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies) is such a great all-around resource and we love their new integration page.

While you're there, please consider joining MAPS and showing support for all they do. It's a lot.

Go to

The Integration Circle

The integration circle is a wonderful account to follow on instagram, with a website coming soon. They're dedicated to education and support for the use of psychedelics in psycho-spiritual wellness.

Follow The Integration Circle

Fireside Project Psychedelic Support Hotline

They offer support during or after a trip. It's free and it's completely confidential. If you need support, call or text their Psychedelic Support Line.

Go to fireside project